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What are the most difficult exams in the world ?

  At some point in your life, you must have taken an exam once or many times. Meanwhile, the discussion about the most difficult exams in the world has started. After extensive research, Erudera has come up with a list of the toughest exams in the world. Primarily considering curriculum, pass rate and competition, Erudera has made the talk of the town from China's Gaokao exam to the California bar exam. The list of 10 most difficult exams in the world in 2023 has been released. "Difficulty level of an exam is as subjective as it is objective," says Erudera, "We have focused our research on concrete components." Check out the list of 10 Top Toughest Exams : Gaokao Examination – China Its exam duration is 9 hours. There is nothing about the student passing or failing. But based on the result of this exam, it is clear from where the student can get higher education (college). More than 12 million 16- to 18-year-old school leavers take this exam every year in Chin

Indian operating system 'Bhar OS' launched keeping privacy and security in mind

  The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has recently released the Indian operating system 'BharOS' through a conference. This OS has been prepared keeping the user's privacy and security at the center. BharOS is developed by JandK Operations Private Limited (JandKops). This company is a non-profit company under IIT. The company has presented VarOS as a new weapon for the security of Android users There are no pre-installed apps in this OS. This allows users to carefully select only apps that meet their needs and that they trust. BharOS also provides access to a private app store service called PASS. The developer claims that this OS is especially useful for any business or organization.

New trade route is being built between Russia and India: 30 Billion Investment, 3300 km Railway line, 6000 Km Road

Be it the dispute with China or the war in Ukraine, the world is witnessing an example of friendship between India and Russia. Now this friendship is getting stronger, Iran is making a lifeline between In After the trade route from Russia through Iran to India is ready, these three countries will be able to trade easily with each other, ignoring the American sanctions. Once this route is built, India will be able to bypass Europe and trade with Russia. Not only this, in the past goods were transported from Saint Petersburg in Russia to Mumbai in India using this route. This new trade route will greatly reduce the transit time of goods between India and Russia. According to a report in the Japanese newspaper Nikkei, Russia and Iran plan to respond appropriately to US plans to move supply chains to their allies and friends through this new trade route. Iran has started work on its country's 3,300-kilometer long railway at a rapid pace. An Iranian official recently said that the 560

How to measure Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) ?

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a metric that measures the performance of a manufacturing process or equipment. It is used to identify and track inefficiencies, and to prioritize areas for improvement. The OEE metric is typically calculated using the following three factors: Availability : This is a measure of how often the equipment is available to run production. It is calculated by taking the total time the equipment is available to run production, and dividing it by the total time the equipment could have been available to run production. Performance: This is a measure of how well the equipment is running when it is available. It is calculated by taking the total production output, and dividing it by the expected production output, based on the equipment's design speed. Quality: This is a measure of how much of the production output is free of defects. It is calculated by taking the total good production output, and dividing it by the total production output. The over

How EV Charger Work ?

Electric vehicle (EV) chargers work by supplying electric energy to the battery of an electric vehicle. The two main types of EV chargers are Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 chargers use a standard 120-volt household outlet and can charge an EV battery in 8-20 hours depending on the vehicle model and battery capacity. They are relatively slow but are easy to use and can be found in many public places. Level 2 chargers, on the other hand, use a 240-volt outlet and can charge an EV battery much faster, usually in 2-8 hours. These chargers are typically found at public charging stations and can also be installed in homes. They are more powerful than Level 1 chargers and deliver more energy to the battery in a shorter time. Both Level 1 and Level 2 chargers use a device called an "EVSE" (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) to control the flow of electricity to the vehicle. The EVSE communicates with the vehicle to determine the appropriate charging rate and manages the charging proce

Unknown fact about Jyotirlinga Temples । ज्योतिर्लिंग मंदिरों के बारे में रोचक तथ्य

  क्या आप जानते हैं: भारत में ज्योतिर्लिंग मंदिर, भगवान शिव को समर्पित हैं और उनकी संख्या का एक सुनहरा नियम है जो एक सार्वभौमिक प्रमेय (Universal Theorem) है जिसे ज्योतिर्लिंग मंदिरों की स्थिति से जोड़ा जा सकता है। Fibonacci Series या Fibonacci Pattern । इटली के पुनर्जागरण कलाकार ( Renaissance Artist) द्वारा लोकप्रिय वही प्रतिभाशाली गणितीय पैटर्न। हम में से अधिकांश उनकी सर्वकालिक सुंदरता "मोना लिसा" के बारे में जानते हैं, वर्तमान में 1797 से मुसी डू लौवर ( Muse Du Louvre) या पेरिस में लौवर संग्रहालय (Louvre Museum) में हैं। लेकिन वैश्विक आबादी का एक निश्चित हिस्सा "Vitruvian Man ", ज्यामितीय प्रतिभा से परिचित है। उन लोगों के लिए जो अभी भी यह जानने के लिए उत्सुक हैं कि Fibonacci Sequence क्या है ? Fibonacci Sequence यह है कि दूसरे 1 के बाद की प्रत्येक संख्या पिछली दो संख्याओं के योग के बराबर होती है। तो 1+1 = 2, 1+2 = 3, 2+3 = 5, 3+5 = 8, 5+8 =13, 8+13 = 21 और इसी तरह। ऐसा माना जाता है कि इन मंदिरों में भगवान शिव अग्नि के स्तंभ या प्रकाश के लिंगम के रूप में प्रकट हुए